Matoska Trading Company Your Possible Bag
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beaded strip
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How To Purchase Products
Products are displayed in several different formats depending on the type. Typically, you enter the quantity you wish to purchase and click on the "Buy" button.

Example of book purchase

Note that music listings are often displayed in a summary format. In this type of display, you can purchase the product in one step by simply clicking on the underlined price for either the CD or cassette.

Example of music purchase

Most of our craft supplies are displayed showing different prices for various order quantities:

Purchasing craft supplies example

In the above example, there are two prices shown for each item. Let's use the 1/2" size as an example:

$1.99 25 pack
Qty (1-3)

This tells you that the product is sold in packs of 25 pieces (25 pack).
The price per pack is $1.99 when you buy 1 to 3 packs ( Qty (1-3) ).

The second price level shows:

$1.50 25 pack
Qty (4+)

In this case, the price is now $1.50 per pack when you buy 4 or more ( Qty (4+) ).

By purchasing larger quantities, you receive a quantity discount! In the above example, the following purchase is being made:

5 packs of 0.50 inch @ $1.50 per pack — total cost is $7.50   (5 x $1.50)
3 packs of 1.00 inch @ $2.99 per pack — total cost is $8.97  (3 x $2.99)

Note that you can enter quantities for more than one item at a time. In the above example, a purchase is being made for the 0.50 inch and the 1.00 inch. When the "Buy" button is clicked, both items are added to your possible bag at the same time. Pretty nice, don't you think? This is a REALLY big time saver when you are buying beads:

Example of purchasing beads

In the above example, we are purchasing 5 hanks of OP Orange/Yellow in size 11/0, 4 hanks of OP Yellow, and 3 hanks of TR Yellow. When we click on the "Buy" button, all three items are added to our possible bag.

Note the words "You may combine items for quantity discounts" at the bottom of the form. This means that all the products shown combine for the quantity price.   In the above example, we are buying 12 hanks of beads (5 + 4 + 3). They will be priced as follows:

5 hanks OP Orange/Yellow @ $1.95 per hank (10-24 price)
4 hanks OP Yellow @ $1.95 per hank (10-24 price)
3 hanks TR Yellow @ $1.95 per hank (10-24 price)

Note that if we continue to purchase more beads, the price of all the items will automatically adjust to next price level. So if we bought another 13 hanks on other forms, we would then meet the 25+ price level ($1.75 per hank). Our possible bag will automatically adjust the price! Of course, if we remove items, our price will also adjust up as well. If you're confused by this, just play around with our catalog until you understand it. You won't actually be making a purchase until you fill out the order form and check out. You will know when you do this. 

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