Bronze Turkey Feathers - Flanks
Flank feathers from the tail of the bronze turkey. These can vary quite a bit in look and size. Some will be nearly all fluff, other will have barred markings at the tip. They average about 5 to 6 inches long.
Bronze Turkey Feathers - Complete Wing
Complete wing from the bronze turkey. These are really great values because there approximately 10 pointers and 15 rounds in each wing. These can be taken apart for the feathers with a little work. Also, there are a lot of small iridescent cover feathers on the base of the wing.
Bronze Turkey Feathers - Primary Wing
Primary wing joint from a Bronze turkey. These contain only the pointer feathers and are excellent for old-time traditional fans. A quick way to use these as a fan is to wrap a bandana or other piece of cloth around the base to use as a handle. Approximately 14 inches long.
09/16/24 11:31:09 PM Pacific Time Copyright Matoska Trading Company, Inc.